Mayfest is always a great experience. Whether I am there as a vendor or as a patron, I always have a good time. The atmosphere is relaxing with the music and performers. It’s nice to see families and friends spread their blankets out in the park and just enjoy a slower pace of life for just a bit. Another great thing about Mayfest is that even though it is busy, it isn’t overcrowded to where you can’t enjoy yourself. Everyone is friendly and the park is beautiful.

My Happy Corner
One thing about being an artist is meeting people and getting to hear their stories and how they connect to my artwork. One gentleman came in the booth and remarked about how relaxing and peaceful my booth felt. (I get that a lot! I always say that it is my happy, little corner of the world.) Turns out he is from Boston and had a very hectic work schedule. He said that spending the day at Mayfest was good for his soul. I could’t agree more.
Another couple came in and purchased a framed print of “Spring Clock” because that is where they got engaged. I love that they had such a connection with the picture and that it would have special meaning for them.
The absolute coolest person I met was a little boy about 8 years old and his family. He came in with his older sister and she immediately began to brag on him and how he was an artist too. You should have seen just how this little boy beamed with pride. I was especially impressed with how his older sister treated him. It’s not often you see something like that. Later, his mother came into the booth with him and I shared with her how his sister bragged on him. Mom immediately pulled out her phone and began showing me all the drawings her little one had done, and I must say for an 8 year old they were REALLY good. How lucky is that little kiddo to have such a supportive mom and sister? It really warmed my heart.
Until next year Mayfest…..